Palić Local Government
srpski | magyar | English 22 October, 2024 - Tuesday


Here you can find a list of events in Palić.

other: Competition - the most beutiful garden in Palić
04.05.2012. - 14:00
Organiser: Palić Local Government
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lecture: PAVAFO Association's 18th meeting
20.04.2011. - 19:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Udruženje građana PAVAFO
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lecture: Meetings in Palić
13.04.2011. - 18:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palić Local Government
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cultural event: Carnival in Palić
05.03.2011. - 10:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palics Hungarian Cultural Organisation
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open hours: Provincial ombudsman in Palić
03.03.2011. - 09:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palić Local Government
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cultural event: Book presentation in LG
22.02.2011. - 19:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palić Local Government


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exhibition: Exhibition of Christmas cakes
12.12.2010. - 15:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palics Hungarian Cultural Organisation

Exhibition and tasting of Christmas meals and cakes characteristic to our region.

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cultural event: Christmas playhouse
11.12.2010. - 10:00 LG office, Palić, Splitska alaja 1.
Organiser: Palics Hungarian Cultural Organisation
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exhibition: Exhibition of István Török
08.12.2010. - 18:00 Library in Palić
Organiser: Library in Palić

Exhibition of the paintings that István Török donated to schools nearby.

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cultural event: 21st Harvest Feast in Palić - second day
19.09.2010. - 10:00 Palić Lake shore
Organiser: Palić Local Government

Sunday: 19.09.2010.

10h - 20 h

Izložba voća, povrća i meda na Velikoj terasi

Izložba ručnih radova, ispred Velike terase

Vinska ulica, Obala Lajoša Vermeša

Izložba slika subotičkih stvaralaca na temu vinograda, grožđa i vina na Muzičkom paviljonu

Zelena pijaca kod Barometra


Porodični ručak u stilu berbanske tradicije - restoran „Mala Gostiona“ kuvanje na parkingu (pljeskavice, ovčiji paprikaš, riblja čorba, pasulj, paprikaš od pevca, palićka mućkalica)


Klezmer koncert - „Shabat Song“ iz Budimpešte, Letnja pozornica, ulaz besplatan


Nastup mažoretkinja OŠ „Sonja Marinković“

15h - 18h

Nastup kulturno umetničkih društava - bina na poluostrvu


1. OKUD Mladost Subotica
2. HKC Bunjevačko kolo Subotica
3. HKC Bunjevačko kolo Subotica - ogranak Stari Žednik
4. KUD Aleksandrovo Subotica
5. KUD Ivo Lola Ribar Krčedin
6. HKPD Matija Gubec Donji Tavankut
7. AKUD Ivo Lola Ribar Subotica
8. HUK Lajčo Budanović Mala Bosna
9. Muskátli HagyományÅ‘rzÅ‘ Egyesület Varsány - Magyarország (MaÄ‘arska)
10. Kiskunhal

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Pages: 1 2 3 4   »

- Project of the Europe for Citizens program

- Tendering procedure

- Our sponsor was: Provincial Secretariat for Education, Administration and National Communities

- Streets of Palić

- Send us your comments in our GUESTBOOK

- The image of Palić from the sky

- Twintowns' meeting in Érsekhalma
